Studying Hard Vs. Studying Smart

In this fast-paced and busy world that we live in, who has all the time to sit and absorb so much information…in a short time?  So why not come up with more efficient and effective ways to study.  Instead of focusing on retaining quantity of information, you should be focusing on improving the quality of your thought process.  Thinking like a nurse is thinking through content, situations, and possible solutions to a problem.  Value is not only placed on how much you know, but even more on: if you know where to get information, identify the most accurate information, and what you can do with the information.  Hopefully, the table below will help you strategize how to get through nursing school with better retention of information, quality thought processes, and better chances of passing your NCLEX.

Studying Hard (Okay)

Studying Smart (Better)

  • Reading textbook word for word
  • Reading chapter summary, tables, picture captions, and read areas that still remain confusing.
  • “Highlighting the entire book”
  • Placing restrictions: for example, you can only highlight five words in every paragraph!  This will build on your ability to think creatively, prioritize, and keep you thinking on the big concept.
  • Reviewing your notes from class by reading them
  • Rewriting while reorganizing your notes from class, using categories, diagrams, concept maps, etc.
  • Writing down word for word what the teacher is saying during lecture
  • Summarizing what the teacher said in your own words
  • Choosing your best friend(s) as your study buddy
  • Having group study sessions with a group of students you know are excelling in the class
  • Wait for teacher lecture on the topic
  • Skim content ahead of class and write down questions to ask during class
  • Memorizing as much information as you can
  • Understanding the big idea and create connections and generalizations for you to use in problem solving activities
  • Knowing the right answer(s)
  • Knowing why it is the right answer and why the others are wrong.
  • Identify a problem and find a solution
  • Identify a problem and explore alternate solutions



Between planning the menu for your family’s many holiday feasts, and a strategy to maximize the money-saving deals of Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and on and on, when will you ever find time to study?  Try any of these tried and effective study strategies from our past candidates:

  1. Plan for short study sessions– The holiday season is not the best time to schedule around-the-clock studying or cram.  It is unrealistic to stay focused while deep inside you want to party and hang out with your loved ones.  Sneaking in 30 minutes here and there will add up and leave you feeling confident that you are still on track.
  2. Maximize travel opportunities– A lot of you are travelling to destinations to celebrate the holidays so it might be the perfect time to pull out those mobile devices to access your videos and reading materials to kill some time.
  3. Late to bed and early to rise– Take advantage of the time when everyone is sleeping to take an exam uninterrupted.  Try to find a routine that works for the unique situation you are in.
  4. Enjoy time with your loved ones– Remember what motivates you to pursue nursing and finally get your license…for most of you it is your family.  So spending time with them will help reignite the drive and motivation for why you are working so hard.
  5. Take time off– Schedule a few days off completely from any studying.  The best days are probably: Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Years Eve.  Giving your brain time to recover and relax may help in absorbing the information more effectively when you pick up the books again. 

These study techniques will keep you stay focused on your goal of passing the NCLEX, while allowing you to take some time off and relax with your family and friends.
